Post by MagnetMan on Jun 30, 2009 16:03:22 GMT -5
The Divine Breath
The central focus of all yoga exercises is the psychic nervous
system of chakras.
Kundalini is the psychic energy, or chi, that fl ows through and
excites these chakras when it is activated.
Kundalini is coiled in a psychic center at the base of the spine in the region
of the coccyx. The ancient Sanskrit name for this chakra is Muladhara.
Kundalini is positively charged by breath inspiration and negatively discharged
by exhalation. With each breath, charged ions of oxygen travel
down meridians that are connected to two nadis called ida and pingali,
located in the sinus area on the left and right sides of the nose. The excitation
of kundalini is most benefi cial when each breath is taken consciously
during a rhythmic yoga breathing asana. During the exercise, an inspired
sense of reverence should be felt for the life-supporting energy each oxygen
atom injects into us. A related sense of inner cleansing should be attached
to each exhalation of carbon dioxide.
The most common rhythmic exercise is to breathe in deeply for a count
of six; hold the breath for another count of six; and then exhale slowly
for a fi nal count of six. Repeat this rhythm for fi ve minutes or so. The
psyche becomes more focused if the left and right nostrils are alternatively
pinched closed during each in and out breath. Concentration can be further
enhanced if the in-coming air of each inhalation is visualized as electric
blue, and each exhalation is visualized as dusty gold. There are seven major
chakras in the human body, which, once kundalini energy is fl owing,
can be further excited by a specifi c set of psychic exercises.
For the uninitiated (which includes the Lodge of Science) the idea of an
invisible, unquantifi able, complex psychic nervous system, located somewhere
inside the human body, and mystically excited by positive thinking,
is too much of an abstraction to be taken seriously. The only invisible
chakra center that science is forced to accept, without empirical proof that
it exists, is the one located at an indefi nable point inside the brain, which
we commonly call the mind. The general belief is that the mind initiates
and governs everything we do. Such ignorance is unfortunate and almost
entirely incorrect. Each chakra is its own center of intelligence and when
activated can over-ride the mind and completely dominate the psyche. For
instance; many a scientist, in a moment of erotica, has had a wild sexual
fantasy – which, when the moment has passed, leaves them astonished of
what they were capable of thinking of - and perhaps even acting on - if the
opportunity should have arisen. That sense of a disassociation is because in
that moment of passion, the decision-making process occurred low down
in their sexual center, and not up in their head, making them think of and
do things that they would not otherwise have even dreamt of initiating.
There is a hot/icy center in the stomach that can make men instinctively act
like heroes or cowards in extreme moments – leaving their mind to wonder
afterwards what made them behave in such an involuntary manner.
These facts of life indicate that each chakra has its own intelligence and
expresses its own particular purpose or fl avor on specifi c occasions.
Whether we are conscious of their powers or not, one or another of the
chakra centers are in operation at all times, and in effect, govern and color
everything we do.
The man or woman who gains an intimate and familiar knowledge of each
of these centers and can activate them at will, becomes a yogi master. The
person with the most chakras open and excited at the same time, radiates
the most charismatic energy. When kundalini energy is fl owing unhindered
through all the chakras, such a person is a fully realized magician. Even
the most plain facial features take on a special aura of beauty. Their halos
are golden at such times - even pure white. Their bodies emit a fragrant
etheric perfume. They seem to say and do the right thing at precisely the
right moment. In their presence we feel a sense of loving awe and affection.
All of us are capable of achieving and expressing such magical charm
– not just during isolated moments, but continuously.
Conversely, when psychic energy is blocked at one chakra center or another,
all manner of unbalanced behavior takes place and we experience
revulsion instead of attraction when we are near such a person. Their faces
and halos appear as dark and ugly, while their body scent is repugnant.
The entire range of our artistic self-expression emanates from the dynamic
locations of the chakra centers, and if properly evoked with the right exercises,
the psychic channels can become cleared, and in turn, each one,
“charges” the next. When all the chakras are working together in harmony
they can bring forth the most profound statement of being that the human
psyche is capable of. If we take time exploring them, and fi nd out exactly
what each fully excited chakra is capable of expressing within us, our
knowledge of the self becomes immeasurably enriched.
There are any number of fi ne books on yoga and the exercises required to
evoke the chakra centers, so there is no need to go into great depth about
them here. We will simply list some personal observations that are not
generally understood, and give you a basic idea how the chakras can be
focused and become a conscious aspect of your personal expression.
There is no fi ner nor more lasting natural aphrodisiac than deep, reverential
breathing. When-ever you are feeling exhausted, tired or depressed, sit
down for fi ve or ten minutes and do some rhythmic yoga breathing. You
will experience an immediate mood change and feel physically refreshed.
With each breath, excited kundalini energy fl ows directly out of Muladhara
into Svadhisthana, the sexual plexus. Properly conducted, there should be
an instinctive impulse to rise and dance. Dance is a direct expression of
erotic energy. The art of dance is connected to this second chakra and all
dancers, seeking inspiration for their art, should pay particular attention to
the arousal of this chakra.
If a challenge of any kind that requires courage is in the offi ng, the erotic
energy circulating in Muladhara can be channeled and sent higher up into
Manipura, located in the solar plexus, where the erotic gyrations of the
sexual dance can be transformed into a war dance. When the warrior is
fully evoked and ready to do battle, the destructive aspects of war can be
modifi ed and refi ned if the energy is then chanelled up into Anahata, the
heart chakra.
The heart chakra will insist that if war has to be an option, then honor and
ethics must be upheld in the battlefi eld.
Once the heart is evoked, further upward movement into Visuddha, the
throat chakra, will result in exultant war-whoops; melodic song, inspired
oration, reverential psalms, and Divine laughter. All of our best singers
have fully open throat chakras which allow them to express the loving
emotions fl owing out of the heart chakra. That silver tone in their voices
added to perfect phrasing, is why we admire and even adore them so much
when they sing with all their heart.
The next chakra, Ajna, located between the brows, allows psychic visions
- hallucinations, telepathy and foresight of future results to take place.
The fi nal arrival of the energy in Sahasrara, the mind center, allows a clear
intellectual understanding of the entire ethical nature of the evocation process
to complete the self-realization experience and thereby initiate right
This uninterrupted fl ow of kundalini from the base chakra, refi ned by each
successive chakra on its way upwards to Sahasrara, and thereby evoking
the full power of the entire being - is called Satyagraha – the evocation of
one’s soul force.
How to live each moment of every day, with one’s soul force fully evoked
and under personal control, is what the Psyche-Genetic theory is trying to
The Divine Breath
Believe with all your heart and all your mind that the kingdom of heaven
and the power of God is within you and all around you and you shall be
comforted and become well!
If your body is old and infi rm and wracked by arthritic pains; if you have
cancer or AIDS with your immune system destroyed; if you are blind and
wish to see; if you are deaf and wish to hear; if you are paralyzed and wish
to walk; if any other persistent ailment that all the king’s medicine and
all the king’s doctors have failed to cure, keeps you from living your life
in full and blooming health, then think of the billions of liters of healing
oxygen atoms that surround you, all charged with divine energy and radiating
the love and good wishes of a compassionate God – all of it free for
the taking and just yearning to help you for as long as you are willing to
believe that God is there, manifest in every atom, beaming life and warmth
on you, waiting for you to sit quietly and consciously participate in His
divine therapy.
Physician heal thyself !
Sit in lotus position and focus both eyes on the Ajna chakra in the center of
the brow. Try and evoke the visualization potential of your third eye. Place
your index fi nger on that point and pinch your right nostril closed with
your thumb. Imagine that each six-second inspiration of breath streaming
into your left nostril is colored electric blue. Think of all the billions of
atoms contained in the several liters of oxygen your lungs are absorbing
with each breath, knowing that each incoming atom is electrically charged
with the potential energy of a tiny atomic bomb. Concentrate your attention
on the diseased area you want healed. Try and visualize the damage.
As the healing atoms fl ow down into your lungs and oxygenate your blood,
imagine all of those atoms replacing and reinvigorating old and tired cells,
while the blood washes dead and diseased cells from ailing organs; taking
that dross down into the pit of your stomach. Then, during the six seconds
while holding your breath, imagine those diseased cells being incinerated
in an atomic fi re in the solar plexus until all are burnt to ash. Finally, on the
breath-out, imagine a stream of golden ash fl owing out of your right nostril
and discharging the impurities. Now release your thumb and pinch the left
nostril closed with your middle fi nger and repeat this breathing cycle, in
and out through alternative nostrils. Do this for at least fi ve to ten minutes
at dawn and again at dusk.
Let the miracle of faith in your Divine nature make you well !
The Divine Breath
The central focus of all yoga exercises is the psychic nervous
system of chakras.
Kundalini is the psychic energy, or chi, that fl ows through and
excites these chakras when it is activated.
Kundalini is coiled in a psychic center at the base of the spine in the region
of the coccyx. The ancient Sanskrit name for this chakra is Muladhara.
Kundalini is positively charged by breath inspiration and negatively discharged
by exhalation. With each breath, charged ions of oxygen travel
down meridians that are connected to two nadis called ida and pingali,
located in the sinus area on the left and right sides of the nose. The excitation
of kundalini is most benefi cial when each breath is taken consciously
during a rhythmic yoga breathing asana. During the exercise, an inspired
sense of reverence should be felt for the life-supporting energy each oxygen
atom injects into us. A related sense of inner cleansing should be attached
to each exhalation of carbon dioxide.
The most common rhythmic exercise is to breathe in deeply for a count
of six; hold the breath for another count of six; and then exhale slowly
for a fi nal count of six. Repeat this rhythm for fi ve minutes or so. The
psyche becomes more focused if the left and right nostrils are alternatively
pinched closed during each in and out breath. Concentration can be further
enhanced if the in-coming air of each inhalation is visualized as electric
blue, and each exhalation is visualized as dusty gold. There are seven major
chakras in the human body, which, once kundalini energy is fl owing,
can be further excited by a specifi c set of psychic exercises.
For the uninitiated (which includes the Lodge of Science) the idea of an
invisible, unquantifi able, complex psychic nervous system, located somewhere
inside the human body, and mystically excited by positive thinking,
is too much of an abstraction to be taken seriously. The only invisible
chakra center that science is forced to accept, without empirical proof that
it exists, is the one located at an indefi nable point inside the brain, which
we commonly call the mind. The general belief is that the mind initiates
and governs everything we do. Such ignorance is unfortunate and almost
entirely incorrect. Each chakra is its own center of intelligence and when
activated can over-ride the mind and completely dominate the psyche. For
instance; many a scientist, in a moment of erotica, has had a wild sexual
fantasy – which, when the moment has passed, leaves them astonished of
what they were capable of thinking of - and perhaps even acting on - if the
opportunity should have arisen. That sense of a disassociation is because in
that moment of passion, the decision-making process occurred low down
in their sexual center, and not up in their head, making them think of and
do things that they would not otherwise have even dreamt of initiating.
There is a hot/icy center in the stomach that can make men instinctively act
like heroes or cowards in extreme moments – leaving their mind to wonder
afterwards what made them behave in such an involuntary manner.
These facts of life indicate that each chakra has its own intelligence and
expresses its own particular purpose or fl avor on specifi c occasions.
Whether we are conscious of their powers or not, one or another of the
chakra centers are in operation at all times, and in effect, govern and color
everything we do.
The man or woman who gains an intimate and familiar knowledge of each
of these centers and can activate them at will, becomes a yogi master. The
person with the most chakras open and excited at the same time, radiates
the most charismatic energy. When kundalini energy is fl owing unhindered
through all the chakras, such a person is a fully realized magician. Even
the most plain facial features take on a special aura of beauty. Their halos
are golden at such times - even pure white. Their bodies emit a fragrant
etheric perfume. They seem to say and do the right thing at precisely the
right moment. In their presence we feel a sense of loving awe and affection.
All of us are capable of achieving and expressing such magical charm
– not just during isolated moments, but continuously.
Conversely, when psychic energy is blocked at one chakra center or another,
all manner of unbalanced behavior takes place and we experience
revulsion instead of attraction when we are near such a person. Their faces
and halos appear as dark and ugly, while their body scent is repugnant.
The entire range of our artistic self-expression emanates from the dynamic
locations of the chakra centers, and if properly evoked with the right exercises,
the psychic channels can become cleared, and in turn, each one,
“charges” the next. When all the chakras are working together in harmony
they can bring forth the most profound statement of being that the human
psyche is capable of. If we take time exploring them, and fi nd out exactly
what each fully excited chakra is capable of expressing within us, our
knowledge of the self becomes immeasurably enriched.
There are any number of fi ne books on yoga and the exercises required to
evoke the chakra centers, so there is no need to go into great depth about
them here. We will simply list some personal observations that are not
generally understood, and give you a basic idea how the chakras can be
focused and become a conscious aspect of your personal expression.
There is no fi ner nor more lasting natural aphrodisiac than deep, reverential
breathing. When-ever you are feeling exhausted, tired or depressed, sit
down for fi ve or ten minutes and do some rhythmic yoga breathing. You
will experience an immediate mood change and feel physically refreshed.
With each breath, excited kundalini energy fl ows directly out of Muladhara
into Svadhisthana, the sexual plexus. Properly conducted, there should be
an instinctive impulse to rise and dance. Dance is a direct expression of
erotic energy. The art of dance is connected to this second chakra and all
dancers, seeking inspiration for their art, should pay particular attention to
the arousal of this chakra.
If a challenge of any kind that requires courage is in the offi ng, the erotic
energy circulating in Muladhara can be channeled and sent higher up into
Manipura, located in the solar plexus, where the erotic gyrations of the
sexual dance can be transformed into a war dance. When the warrior is
fully evoked and ready to do battle, the destructive aspects of war can be
modifi ed and refi ned if the energy is then chanelled up into Anahata, the
heart chakra.
The heart chakra will insist that if war has to be an option, then honor and
ethics must be upheld in the battlefi eld.
Once the heart is evoked, further upward movement into Visuddha, the
throat chakra, will result in exultant war-whoops; melodic song, inspired
oration, reverential psalms, and Divine laughter. All of our best singers
have fully open throat chakras which allow them to express the loving
emotions fl owing out of the heart chakra. That silver tone in their voices
added to perfect phrasing, is why we admire and even adore them so much
when they sing with all their heart.
The next chakra, Ajna, located between the brows, allows psychic visions
- hallucinations, telepathy and foresight of future results to take place.
The fi nal arrival of the energy in Sahasrara, the mind center, allows a clear
intellectual understanding of the entire ethical nature of the evocation process
to complete the self-realization experience and thereby initiate right
This uninterrupted fl ow of kundalini from the base chakra, refi ned by each
successive chakra on its way upwards to Sahasrara, and thereby evoking
the full power of the entire being - is called Satyagraha – the evocation of
one’s soul force.
How to live each moment of every day, with one’s soul force fully evoked
and under personal control, is what the Psyche-Genetic theory is trying to
The Divine Breath
Believe with all your heart and all your mind that the kingdom of heaven
and the power of God is within you and all around you and you shall be
comforted and become well!
If your body is old and infi rm and wracked by arthritic pains; if you have
cancer or AIDS with your immune system destroyed; if you are blind and
wish to see; if you are deaf and wish to hear; if you are paralyzed and wish
to walk; if any other persistent ailment that all the king’s medicine and
all the king’s doctors have failed to cure, keeps you from living your life
in full and blooming health, then think of the billions of liters of healing
oxygen atoms that surround you, all charged with divine energy and radiating
the love and good wishes of a compassionate God – all of it free for
the taking and just yearning to help you for as long as you are willing to
believe that God is there, manifest in every atom, beaming life and warmth
on you, waiting for you to sit quietly and consciously participate in His
divine therapy.
Physician heal thyself !
Sit in lotus position and focus both eyes on the Ajna chakra in the center of
the brow. Try and evoke the visualization potential of your third eye. Place
your index fi nger on that point and pinch your right nostril closed with
your thumb. Imagine that each six-second inspiration of breath streaming
into your left nostril is colored electric blue. Think of all the billions of
atoms contained in the several liters of oxygen your lungs are absorbing
with each breath, knowing that each incoming atom is electrically charged
with the potential energy of a tiny atomic bomb. Concentrate your attention
on the diseased area you want healed. Try and visualize the damage.
As the healing atoms fl ow down into your lungs and oxygenate your blood,
imagine all of those atoms replacing and reinvigorating old and tired cells,
while the blood washes dead and diseased cells from ailing organs; taking
that dross down into the pit of your stomach. Then, during the six seconds
while holding your breath, imagine those diseased cells being incinerated
in an atomic fi re in the solar plexus until all are burnt to ash. Finally, on the
breath-out, imagine a stream of golden ash fl owing out of your right nostril
and discharging the impurities. Now release your thumb and pinch the left
nostril closed with your middle fi nger and repeat this breathing cycle, in
and out through alternative nostrils. Do this for at least fi ve to ten minutes
at dawn and again at dusk.
Let the miracle of faith in your Divine nature make you well !